Let your hair down

(Lass dein Haar herunter)

Eight selected artworks of Fine Arts students at HKS were chosen for an exhibition at the Art Society Rotenburg in May 2012.

Paintings, drawings, photographs, performances and installations by young artists were displayed at the old fire tower.

  • Franziska Hapke presented her abstract paintings.
  • Ariane Weidemann exhibited the large-scale drawings.
  • Julia Appelt brought small-scale assemblages.
  • Kerstin and Helene Muller-Feser Waltraud Bonthuis performed a special performance to the physical and spatial effect of the tower.
  • Christopher Jonas and Vauth Wempen showed their completed installation works in team.
  • Eva Merz displayed her photographs expressing the microcosm of change.

The exhibition in Rotenburg includes young students, as well as Bachelor and Master graduates.

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Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen (HKS)

Große Straße 107
D-28870 Ottersberg

Tel.: +49 4205 - 39 49 0
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